About Sue Gray
Sue’s earliest food memories include standing on a stool reaching under a cooling rack to scrape up the sugar and butter dripping off sticky buns.
Flash forward to adulthood and cooking gigs in Marriott’s Providence, Rhode Island hotel, and Alice Trent’s former bakery in Norwich, Vermont. Soon she knocked on the door at King Arthur, and began her journey working part time, vacuuming our very first (long gone) retail store while wearing a Merlin outfit.
Once just before a catalogue photo shoot the food stylist was unavailable; Sue saw her opportunity, went home and baked half a dozen cakes, pies and breads, appearing the next day with freshly made solutions in hand.
She’s been doing the same thing pretty much ever since. From there she was tapped for catalogue baking and food styling, developing recipes for the catalogue, and formulating all the mixes that became sales staples for the Baker’s Catalogue. From popovers to cake to Alaskan sourdough bread, Sue’s work has been an engine for business growth from the beginning.
As Product Development Manager she chose and developed products and ingredients, creating unique mixes of sugar decorations (before they were a thing), sourcing Polish Pottery (before it was a thing), and innovative toys like silicone cups for baking lava cakes. She fondly remembers designing templates for copper cookie cutters (the imps were and are still a favorite).
When gluten-free baking was on the rise, Sue was tapped to move King Arthur to the forefront. She worked tirelessly for 3 years to make the absolute best gluten-free flour blends and mixes on earth.
As Director of the Research and Development team, Sue is an avid tracker of trends and new ingredients, and an exacting coach for her team, tasting endlessly and tweaking formulas until the best possible outcome is achieved.
One thing that must be said is that cake is very, very important to Sue Gray. It’s pretty much a dietary staple. When not eating cake or putting in many, many miles at trade shows, Sue spends time with her granddaughter, in her garden, and pushing herself to ridiculously fast times in the swimming pool.